End of day summaries

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Flyers went out to FedEx and UPS distribution centers

Drivers at FedEx and UPS now have copies of Nancy's picture and details on the flyer.

Tomorrow they we hope to get approval for USPS
USPS headquarters in DC, will contact mail distribution centers nearby 90036.  They will contact Laura Schwartz about getting flyers in to mail carriers' hands.


  1. Have we looked at meter readers : So Cal Edison, So Cal Gas, DWP, various cities for water meters? Does anyone still read a meter?


  2. Great! Richard and I handed flyers to a supervisor at the main USPS Post Office in 90036 (on Curson & Beverly Blvd).

    Additionally, flyers were handed to FedEx and UPS drivers that cover the areas surrounding LACMA.


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