End of day summaries

Monday, October 17, 2016

Alan and Dave will man the command post 10:00-1:00pm
The following people will contact over email and phone
Tina Propps, Paul, Dave Lutton, Bey, Carolyn
And you will be notified later.


  1. Is there any way to help canvas today even if we can't be there by noon or 1:00pm? Ian works close to LACMA and may be able to join the search effort but may not know til midday. Is there any way to join in mid day? Any way to get contact info for Alan or Dave? We don't want to inconvenience or impede coordination so if it's best Ian may just drive or walk the neighborhood this afternoon. If there are any suggestions of areas to focus on that would be great, otherwise we will assume that within a mile to LACMA is best.

    1. Hi Margo
      Sorry you didn't receive a reply sooner. You or Ian can get in touch with me when you're available and I can let appropriate people know.

  2. Just got the NGAS email notification on this. I am willing to help you all day tomorrow, Wednesday the 19th if needed. Happy to walk all over the place or do whatever is needed. email me at NG: pam.emch

    1. Hey, I also work for NG. They told me to keep checking the site for updates that will show a plan for tomorrow. I will also be helping with whatever I can tomorrow.


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