End of day summaries

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Thiago Dadalt is Crowd Sourching (Funding) a Documentary about Nancy

Thiago - the writer/director of the amazing short film "Chocolate - All Who Wander are Not Lost" - is working on a documentary about Nancy, our search for her, and at-risk people wandering.  Check out his trailer and request for Crowd Source Funds:

Where Is Nancy?

Tracking Devices Outside of Los Angeles

LA Found can provide citizens of Los Angeles with bracelets that can then be tracked if an at risk person goes missing.  There are other technologies available which might be useful information for people outside of LA.  One worth mentioning is Great Call which has (for example) a pendant that can be worn by the at-risk person and the caregiver can see where they are on their mobile device.


Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Kick off of LA Found

LA County Supervisory Janice Hahn held a press conference today to announce the kick off of LA Found https://lafound.com/  This is the formal rollout of the efforts of the Bringing Our Loved Ones Home Task force that she initiated.

There is quite a bit of press coverage ... here are two examples:

