End of day summaries

Monday, March 26, 2018

MBPD Sent Letters to over 800 RCFEs in LA; KNX Radio News Spot

Detective Rosenberger took the initiative to send out letters on Manhattan Beach Police Department letterhead, along with flyers, to 858 Residential Care Facilities in LA County (that's about all of the ones that have more than 6 residents!

Thanks to the police - and let's see if this garners more response than our previous mailings!

Also, KNX Radio (LA radio station) called me last week for a quick interview, and they apparently ran the story off of that many times over the next few days.  Keeping the story alive in the media should be helpful.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

PSA from ALZGLA about Alzheimer's Patients Getting Lost

Alzheimer's Greater Los Angeles has made a Public Service Announcement video about Alzheimer's patients getting lost ... here it is:
